Jonny Craig

7 AM, 2 Bottles And The Wrong Road

Letra de la canción 7 AM, 2 Bottles And The Wrong Road - Jonny Craig, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción 7 AM, 2 Bottles And The Wrong Road esta publicada en la categoria Jonny Craig donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.


Out of all the safe roads promised,
We return to the one with no self control.
It's a fuel to the fire that should never burn
While everything around us is so dry.
Oh up in smoke we go.
Oh up in smoke we go.
Oh up in smoke.

I have no time girl,
To play this game with you.
I have a queen.
Why would I settle for a fucking maid?
Don't bring me back to this game.

Before you get any ideas, clean yourself off.
Oh, you get burned.
How many others will it take to reach your goal?
You're never complete.
But still you can sit here and spread it time after time.

I have no time girl,
To play this game with you.
I have a queen.
Why would I settle for a fucking maid?
Don't bring me back to this game.

Go preach your sorrows girl,
On someone else.
My bet is its going to end with heartache.
Spread your legs one time.
Spread your legs two times.
We both know this is pathetic.

I have no time girl,
To play this game with you.
I have a queen.
Why would I settle for a fucking maid?
Don't bring me back to this game.

I have a queen.
Why would i settle for a fucking maid?.
Why would i settle for a fucking maid?.
Don't bring me back to this game (this game)
This game, to this game, to this game.

If you play with fire, you get burned.
If you play with fire, you get burned.
La letra de la canción 7 AM, 2 Bottles And The Wrong Road - Jonny Craig es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jonny Craig.
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