Jonny Craig

Children of Divorce

Letra de la canción Children of Divorce - Jonny Craig, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Children of Divorce esta publicada en la categoria Jonny Craig donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.

And back to these cold shitty days in Portland,
Wishing I'd never come across your face,
Laying by the memories of things unspoken,
Scared by thoughts of your father,
Made me look over the flaws of your nature.
Laying on your back became your only escape.
You feel so old, used, but not yet broken,
Not to think you have it all together.
I never planned to carry your burdens.
But this child was a mistake.

I knew from the moment I stepped off that plane,
We had no future.
How come your dreams are always so bitter?
And who knows,
Maybe one day,
You will know my name.

You still return to the same skylines,
That leave you broken.
Cheap talks with even cheaper company.
Keeps the days turning into nights.
You lay awake crying cause your child,
Carries my name,
While I regret ever making you apart of my life.
Sadly enough,
This song's not to hurt you,
Just to show the world that I'm free.

I knew from the moment I stepped off that plane,
We had no future.
How come your dreams are always so bitter?.
And who knows,
Maybe one day,
You will know my name.
You will know.
You will know.

La letra de la canción Children of Divorce - Jonny Craig es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jonny Craig.
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