
Fire's Day

Letra de la canción Fire's Day - Fergie, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Fire's Day esta publicada en la categoria Fergie donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
There's a hole in the sky 
And you feel the doubt of blindness 
Let it goes 
The hell on earth is real 
The tragedy is coming soon 
End of pain 
But I see your eyes are burning like a flame 
The fear of death fills your mind 
But it is not enough, feel my hate until die 
A day in the fire
Waiting for a reason or something new 
A day in the fire 
Tell me just what you can prove 
A day in the fire 
To set you free 
You can't breath, you can't think 
I remake the destiny of a world 
You are nothing 
There's a thing I want to say 
Today is a very special day 
You will die 
But I see your eyes are burning like a flame
The fear of death fills your mind 
But it is not enough, feel my hate until die
A day in the fire, 
Waiting for a reason or something new 
A day in the fire 
Tell me just what you can prove 
A day in the fire 
To set you free
La letra de la canción Fire's Day - Fergie es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Fergie.
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