Jonny Craig

God Damn I'm Good Looking

Letra de la canción God Damn I'm Good Looking - Jonny Craig, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción God Damn I'm Good Looking esta publicada en la categoria Jonny Craig donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Came up, up, up on the way down,
They got so much to say now,
Man I was barely on the radar
Now they say I'm getting played out
Safe to say I'm going gold
Stay the same I broke the mold
One hundred thou, I'm getting paid
I can barely stand, still I get laid
Let them know I got control
They got old, I got soul, now it's time to let go

I'm shaded, I'm jaded, I'm faded, I'm famous
I'm shaded, I'm jaded, I'm faded, I'm famous

You made a diamond outta me [x6]

Every day subscribing,
The lames is ?,
Gotta get a name so I stay surviving,
Claiming to be down now it ain't surprising
Your pressure can bust pipes that can make the diamond

I'm with the latter,
Switching panels and analyzing your bitches patterns,
Not everybody's LeBron, we need some Wilson Chandlers
Jaded and Shameless, and endlessly banging as dangerously Loud as I'm famous

I'm shaded, I'm jaded, I'm faded, I'm famous
I'm shaded, I'm jaded, I'm faded, I'm famous 
La letra de la canción God Damn I'm Good Looking - Jonny Craig es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Jonny Craig.
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