Romeo Santos

Gone Forever

Letra de la canción Gone Forever - Romeo, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Gone Forever esta publicada en la categoria Romeo Santos donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Escucha las palabras 
De Romeo 

Mama told me not to play 
The woman fed up 
End in pain 

Shit got ugly 
Who’s the fool 
And i 
Take the blame 

And all those lonely nights 
You had to bare 
I wouldn’t care 
And now you’re long gone 

I know you told me once 
You told me twice 
Your heart won’t break 
But it can hate me 

Karma took over my love 
She reversed laws 
Now i’m fucked 

Out of pace 
I came in last in this race 

And all those lonely nights 
You had to bare 
I wouldn’t care 
And now you’re long gone 

I know you told me once 
You told me twice 
Your heart won’t break 
But it can hate me 

And all those lonely nights 
You had to bare 
I wouldn’t care 
And now you’re long gone 

I know you told me once 
You told me twice 
Your heart won’t break 
But it can hate me 

And all those lonely nights 
You had to bare 
I wouldn’t care 
And now you’re long gone 

I know you told me once 
You told me twice 
Your heart won’t break 
But it can hate me 
La letra de la canción Gone Forever - Romeo es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Romeo Santos.
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Lo más visto de Romeo Santos