One Direction


Letra de la canción Irresistible - One Direction, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Irresistible esta publicada en la categoria One Direction donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
	Don't try to make me stay 
or ask if im okay. 
I don't have the answer. 
Don't make me stay the night 
or ask if im alright 
I don't have the answer 

Heartache doesn't last forever 
I'll say I'm fine 
Midnight ain't no time for laughing 
When you say goodbye 

And it's your lips 
So kisseable 
And your kiss 
Your finger tips 
So it's searchable 
And your eyes 

I've tried to ask myself 
You asked someone else 
I wish I knew the answer 
But I know 
If I go now 
If I need 
And I'm on my own tonight 
I'll never know the answer 

Midnight doesn't last forever 
Dark turns to light 
Heartache flips my world 
to round i'm fooling 
down down down 
that's why 

I found your lips 
So kisseable 
And your kiss 
Your finger tips 
So it's searchable 
And your eyes 


Is in your lips 
and in your kiss 
is in your touch 
and your finger tips 
and it's in all the things 
in all the things 
and make you who you are 
and your eyes 
La letra de la canción Irresistible - One Direction es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista One Direction.
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