Justin Bieber

Just like Them

Letra de la canción Just like Them - Justin Bieber, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Just like Them esta publicada en la categoria Justin Bieber donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
I know it's hard but 
Let's go 

There's something different in your eyes baby 
You can't seem to look into mine lately 
Tell me what is on your mind baby 
Or I'm gonna assume that something's wrong 

I thought that you were different from the moment that we kissed 
'Cause all those other women couldn't get it let's... 
And I'm not barely trippin I just can't do this again 
Please don't tell me you're just like them 
Please don't tell me you're just like them 
You're just like them 
I know that it's hard to trust of 
But you need the trust that my love 
Whether I need you in the dust 

I thought that you were different from the moment that we kissed 
'Cause all those other women couldn't get it let's... 
And I'm not barely trippin I just can't do this again 
Please don't tell me you're just like them 
Please don't tell me you're just like them 
You're just like them 

Baby you ain't get this love on track 
Will you run away gotta wait on after love back 
You know that I love you girl so tell me what you're waiting for 
You gotta know know know know 
Know know know know know know 
Know know know know know know 

[Chorus:]I thought that you were different from the moment that we kissed 
'Cause all those other women couldn't get it let's... 
And I'm not barely trippin I just can't do this again 
Please don't tell me you're just like them 
Please don't tell me you're just like them 
You're just like them 
I know that it's hard to trust of 
But you need the trust that my love 
Whether I need you in the dust
La letra de la canción Just like Them - Justin Bieber es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Justin Bieber.
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