Justin Bieber

Misstep (Ft. Santiago Monjaraz)

Letra de la canción Misstep (Ft. Santiago Monjaraz) - Justin Bieber, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Misstep (Ft. Santiago Monjaraz) esta publicada en la categoria Justin Bieber donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
(Justin Bieber and Santiago Monjaraz)

I chasing a
ilucion this down
the moon shows me a
shortcut to town.
this is strange, strange I know
but what else can we do?

show me all, all around
not to trip, I want hear a sound ...
but longer be - be - be bound
here we go!!

is like a dream
is very extreme
the perfect team
that you and I are my love!!


never will clarify the reality
is something special but a fantasy
you know that love is well
a misstep - tep.
I feel in your heart more, more
a small token of love
you know that love is well
a misstep - tep.

As in the horror movie to be lame
I just love these here is the same
A small and neglect is the end
no no the end... yeah!!
finds it a new way to say now
commenters a way to feel now
this is live, my love, your ball
back to losing control.

is like a dream
is very extreme
the perfect team
that you and I are my love!!


never will clarify the reality
is something special but a fantasy
you know that love is well
a misstep - tep
I feel in your heart more, more
a small token of love
you know that love is well
a misstep - tep

a misstep -tep (x8)

now my love
loses control
back home
here we go!!
look the sun
everything is fun,
look the moon
i wanna know


never will clarify the reality
is something special but a fantasy
you know that love is well
a misstep - tep
I feel in your heart more, more
a small token of love
you know that love is well
a misstep - tep

you know that love is well
a misstep - tep
La letra de la canción Misstep (Ft. Santiago Monjaraz) - Justin Bieber es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Justin Bieber.
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