Luis Fonsi

Nada Es Para Siempre (en inglés)

Letra de la canción Nada Es Para Siempre (en inglés) - Luis Fonsi, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Nada Es Para Siempre (en inglés) esta publicada en la categoria Luis Fonsi donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Nothing is forever love,
Today we must share the same moon
And tomorrow who knows
Yes there is a separation or there will be fortune

Nobody knows love
Nobody knows that may happen tomorrow
I want to love you today
I want to open all the doors of my soul

I love you today
I want to open a window to the heart
This is love
And it is so large that it is in my words, not

I want to love you today
I want to love you today
For if there is no tomorrow

I want to love you today
I want to love you today
For if there is no tomorrow

We are like sand and sea
We are more than an illusion because there is no doubt
And this story of the two
It is so nice as there was never any

Nobody knows love
Nobody knows that may happen tomorrow
I want to love you today
I want to open all the doors of my soul

I love you today
I want to open a window to the heart
This is love
And it is so large that it is in my words, not

I want to love you today
I want to love you today
For if there is no tomorrow

I want to love you today
I want to love you today
For if there is no tomorrow
La letra de la canción Nada Es Para Siempre (en inglés) - Luis Fonsi es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Luis Fonsi.
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Lo más visto de Luis Fonsi