El grupo ha lanzado cuatro álbumes de estudio: Hot Fuss (2004), Sam's Town (2006), Day & Age (2008) y Battle Born (2012). Han vendido un estimado de 22 millones de álbumes en todo el mundo. En su carrera han logrado el éxito internacional como una banda en vivo, actuando en más de cincuenta países y encabezando carteles en seis continentes.
Hot Fuss (2004)
- Jenny Was a Friend of Mine
- Mr. Brightside
- Smile Like You Mean It
- Somebody Told Me
- All These Things That I've Done
- Andy, You're a Star
- On Top
- Change Your Mind
- Believe Me Natalie
- Midnight Show
- Everything Will Be Alright
Sam's Town (2006)
- Sam's Town
- Enterlude
- When You Were Young
- Bling (Confession of a King)
- For Reasons Unknown
- Read My Mind
- Uncle Jonny
- Bones
- My List
- This River Is Wild
- Why Do I Keep Counting?
- Exitlude
Day & Age (2008)
- Losing Touch
- Human
- Spaceman
- Joy Ride
- A Dustland Fairytale
- This Is Your Life
- I Can't Stay
- Neon Tiger
- The World We Live In
- Goodnight, Travel Well
Battle Born (2012)
- Flesh and Bone
- Runaways
- The Way It Was
- Here with Me
- A Matter of Time
- Deadlines and Commitments
- Miss Atomic Bomb
- The Rising Tide
- Heart of a Girl
- From Here on Out
- Be Still
- Battle Born