Laura Pausini

The Same Moon

Letra de la canción The Same Moon - Laura Pausini, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción The Same Moon esta publicada en la categoria Laura Pausini donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
When the daylight comes and I look across the room,
I see you're gone.
As the morning breaks and I reach to hold your hand
I can see, see I'm the only one.
Well, your clothes are gone and your bags are packed
but the bed's still warm where you lay
now I need your love to come shining through
to carry me, come carry me away.
If you choose a time, I'll catch the moon
I'll see you there
from wherever I am, wherever you are
we'll find somewhere.
I see the same stars in the same sky
shining down on you,
I'll be looking up from wherever I am
and it's you I'll see if you're looking too.
There'll be days that'll seem much longer,
some nights will seem so cold...
But I see hope on the horizon
and it's gotta come soon...
Please don't be too long, don't be too long.
No, no, no... Don't be to long...
Phil: I'll be wainting...
If you choose a time, we can catch the moon
Oh, I'll see you there.
Whenever it is, from wherever you are
oh we'll find, yes we'll find somewhere.
Tell me, Laura...
Are you looking at the same moon?
La letra de la canción The Same Moon - Laura Pausini es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Laura Pausini.
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Lo más visto de Laura Pausini