James Morrison

Burns Like Summer

Letra de la canción Burns Like Summer - James Morrison, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Burns Like Summer esta publicada en la categoria James Morrison donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Oh, I’m counting down
Hoping the time has come, to let it out
And every time I try to breathe
I feel suffocating
I’m on my knees
I felt the cold and dark went through my veins
Shivered when I heard her call my name

She burns like summer sun
I know she’s the only one I want
Even when she’s gone away

I feel the heat on my skin, and my head start spinning
Too much is never enough
She burns like summer sun for me

Oh, I’m holding out
Now that the time has come, for giving in
So … to keep me warm
Take away my pain
Help me forget it all
I felt the cold and dark went through my veins
Shivered when I heard her call my name

She burns like summer sun
I know she’s the only one I want
Even if she’s gone away
I feel the heat on my skin, and my head start spinning
Too much is never enough
She burns like summer sun for me

No, yes she burns

The time has come I’m counting down
Held my breath and i’ll let it out
Now there’s nothing left she can take, from me

She burns like summer sun
I know she’s the only one I want
Even if she’s gone away
I feel the heat on my skin, and my head start spinning
Too much is never enough
She burns like summer sun for me

She burns like summer sun
Oh no, burns like summer sun
Oh no, burns like summer sun
Sing with me now
Burns like summer sun for me 

La letra de la canción Burns Like Summer - James Morrison es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista James Morrison.
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