Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison

Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison
James Morrison

Nothing Ever Hurt Like You

Letra de la canción Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Nothing Ever Hurt Like You esta publicada en la categoria James Morrison donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
James Morrison
Letra de Nothin Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison
James Morrison Nothing Ever Hurt Like You Letras:
One, two, three, four

Loving you was easy, playing by the rules
But you said love tastes so much better when it's cruel
To you everything was just a game
And oh yeah, you played me good
But I want you, I want you, I want you
So much more than I should, yes I do

I've got my hands up, so take your aim, yeah, I'm ready
There's nothing that we can't go through
Oh, it hit me like a steel freight train when you left me
And nothing ever hurt like you, nothing ever hurt like you

I was naive and wide-eyed, but you made me see
That you don't get to taste the honey
Without the sting of a bee, no, you don't
Oh yes, you stung me good, oh yeah, you dug in deep
But I'll take it, I'll take it, I'll take it
Till I'm down on my knees, on my knees

Oh, I've got my hands up, so take your aim, yeah, I'm ready
There ain't nothing that I won't do
Walk a thousand miles on broken glass
It won't stop me from making my way back to you
It's not real until you feel pain
And nothing ever hurt like you, nothing ever hurt like you
Oh, nothing hurt like you, you got to believe me, alright

Oh, everything was just a game, yes, you played me good
But I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you

Oh, I've got my hands up, so take your aim, yes, I'm ready
There ain't nothing that we can't go through
Oh, it hit me like a hurricane when you left me
But I'd do it all again for you

I'll walk a thousand miles on broken glass
It won't stop me from making my way back to you
It's not real until you feel the pain
And nothing ever hurt like you, nothing ever hurt like you

Nothing in the whole wide world
Nothing ever, nothing ever, nothing ever
Nothing ever hurt like you, like you
Like you, like you, hurt like you
Will ever, will never hurt like you, you, you, you
Nothing ever hurt like you
La letra de la canción Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista James Morrison.
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