Cold Shoulder - Adele

Cold Shoulder

Letra de la canción Cold Shoulder - Adele, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Cold Shoulder esta publicada en la categoria Adele donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
You say it's all in my head
And the things I think
Just don't make sense
So where you been then?
Don't go all coy
Don't turn it round on me
Like it's my fault
See I can see
That look in your eyes
The one that shoots me
Each and every time

You grace me
With your cold shoulder
Whenever you look at me
I wish I was her
You shower me with words
Made of knives
Whenever you look at me
I wish I was her

These days when I see you
You make it look
Like see-through
Do tell me why
You waste our time
When your heart
Ain't admitting
You're not satisfied
You know I know
Just how you feel
I'm starting to find myself
Feeling that way too


Time and time again
I play the role of fool
(Just for you)
Even in the daylight
When you
(I see you)
Try to look for things
I hear
But our eyes never find
'Though I do know how you play

(Chorus 2x)

La letra de la canción Cold Shoulder - Adele es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Adele.
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