Down To Earth - Justin Bieber

Down To Earth - Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber

Down To Earth

Letra de la canción Down To Earth - Justin Bieber, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Down To Earth esta publicada en la categoria Justin Bieber donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Justin Bieber

Letra de Down To Earth - Justin Bieber
I never thought that it be easy
cause we both so distance now
and the walls are closing in on us
and we´re wondering how
No one has a solid answer
but just walking in the dark
and you can see the look on my face
it just tells me apart

So we fight, through the hurt
and we cry, and cry, and cry, and cry
then we live, and we learn
and we try, and try, and try, and try

So its up to you
and its up to me
that we meet in our middle way on our way back down to earth
down to earth, down to earth, on our way back down to earth
(back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth
back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth,
back down to earth)

Mommy you'll always and somewhere
and daddy i live outta down
so tell me how could i ever be normal somehow
you tell me this is for the best
so tell me why am i in tears
so far away and now i just need you here

So we fight through the hurt
and we cry and cry and cry and cry
then we live and we learn
and we try and try and try and try

So its up to you
and its up to me
that we meet in our middle on our way back down to earth
down to earth, down to earth, on our way back down to earth
(back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth,
back down to earth, back down to earth, back down to earth,
back down to earth, back down to earth)

We fell so far away from where we used to be
now were standing and were do we go
when there's no road to get to your heart
let's start over again

So its up to you
and its up to me
that we meet in our middle on our way back down to earth
down to earth, down to earth, on our way back down to earth

I never thought that it be easy
cause we both so distance now
and the walls are closing in on us
and we´re wondering how
La letra de la canción Down To Earth - Justin Bieber es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Justin Bieber.
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