James Morrison

Dream On Hayley

Letra de la canción Dream On Hayley - James Morrison, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Dream On Hayley esta publicada en la categoria James Morrison donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
James Morrison Dream on Hayley Letras:
Some people sleep easy, some people don't
Seeking the light on start to feel so alone
Some people make it better, some make it worse
You thought he held you lightly, yeah
he got you where it hurts
You're not the one, you're not the one to blame

Dream on Hayley
Don't look down, there's
nothing here for you to see
Dream on Hayley
You're just about there, don't give so up so easily
Dream on Hayley
If you don't feel love, dreaming is the way to go
I know, I know, I know

Some people trust too much, sometimes that's you
Shouldn't be a bad thing, it's more than I could do
So much disappointment over the years
You're willing to love completely,
but it always ends in tears
You're not mad, not so mad, to me

Dream on Hayley
Don't look down, there's
nothing here for you to see
Dream on Hayley
You're just about there, don't give so up so easily
Dream on Hayley
If you don't feel love, dreaming is the way to go
Dream on, dream on
I can't keep dreaming on
Gotta keep dreaming on
Dream on Hayley
Dream on Hayley
Dream on Hayley
Dream on Hayley
Don't look down, there's
nothing here for you to see
Dream on Hayley
You're just about there, don't give so up so easily
Dream on Hayley
If you don't feel love, dreaming is the way to go
Way to go, way to go, way to
go, way to go, way to go
La letra de la canción Dream On Hayley - James Morrison es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista James Morrison.
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Lo más visto de James Morrison