Nowhere To Run - Santana

Nowhere To Run

Letra de la canción Nowhere To Run - Santana, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Nowhere To Run esta publicada en la categoria Santana donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Night ain't a friend
It's black and so still
It waits like a cat
Then moves in for the kill
It casts its shadows high on the wall
It's givin' me no peace at all
Now you're gone
The pain goes on
You're so deep into me
Now I'm begging you to
Set me free

I've got nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
No way to stop
This hurt deep inside
That you gave to me
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to run
The sound of your voice
It comes in the night
It stays with me there
Until the light
When you say the words
That you said before
When you said you'd stay
You walked out the door
I can take the afternoon
But then comes the night
Instead I walk the floor
Till the light
La letra de la canción Nowhere To Run - Santana es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Santana.
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